I have lived in England for over 20 years, but am Northern Irish to the core (and also love the Irish Republic). I am responsible for putting together our Ireland Guides and as Reviews Editor, I get the chance to see some great concerts and shows . Fridays usually find me taking part in our Music Academy. I am also a Church Minister and Parish Councillor and am on the Leadership Team of my congregation. In my spare time, I am often found beside a race track, watching all forms of motorsport, at my local cinema, or with a guitar round my neck, writing and playing songs.
  • Media Manager/Reviews Editor bij WhatsOn
  • Woont in Birmingham, England.
  • Vanaf Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
  • Studie Theology bij B.A. in English & History from University of Ulster. Cert. Theology from Union Theological College, Belfast.
  • Male
  • Married
  • 15/08/1961
  • Gevolgd door 118 people
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