love myself and love my family
  • Software Engineer at WhatsOn
  • Lives in Naogaon
  • From Naogaon
  • Studied Science at Aranagar High School
    Class of A
  • Female
  • Married
  • 10/06/1995
  • Followed by 57 people
Pinned Post
বায়স্কোপ 🥰
ঐ ডানে বামে খেয়াল করো 🙄
কিছু একটা ছাইরা গেল, একশো তলা বাড়ি আছে 🤔
বায়স্কোপ 🥰
@ভিডিও সংগৃহীত
বায়স্কোপ 🥰 ঐ ডানে বামে খেয়াল করো 🙄 কিছু একটা ছাইরা গেল, একশো তলা বাড়ি আছে 🤔 বায়স্কোপ 🥰 @ভিডিও সংগৃহীত
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    📱 Mobile & Web: Netflix embraces Swift and Kotlin for native mobile apps, ensuring a top-notch viewing experience on your devices. For the web, they rely on the versatile React framework.

    🌐 Frontend/Server Communication: Netflix leverages GraphQL, enhancing the efficiency of communication between the frontend and servers, resulting in a smoother user experience.

    🔨 Backend Services: Key components like ZUUL, Eureka, and the Spring Boot framework are the backbone of Netflix's backend services, guaranteeing reliability and scalability.

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    📊 Data Processing: The magic of data processing happens through Flink and Spark, followed by visualization using Tableau. Redshift plays its part in processing structured data warehouse information.

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    🌐 Netflix's commitment to technological excellence ensures a seamless, personalized, and secure streaming experience for millions worldwide. Kudos to the engineers and innovators driving this extraordinary architecture!
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