About this event:

“Vegan For Beginners” Online Workshop & Live Cooking. This event was organized two separate events on two separate dates. 

In recent times, veganism is very popular in the western world. people are interested in vegan/plant-based eating. Some are just curious about veganism and some want to get their feet wet, and some are ready to come to the V-side.

These event organizers recommend doing both. From this event people who are interested to be vegan or just a beginner, they can learn the basics first and then watch it in action. They said….

“I am here for you all! I offer information to introduce you to what eating vegan is like.”

Date and time:

Date and time

Sun, June 20&21, 2021

3:00 AM – 4:00 AM +06.

This workshop will be held on zoom so if anyone is interested they can keep their camera on. It becomes very interesting for vegan people.

For tickets or any further information click here:
