Narcissistic traits, such as an exaggerated sense of self-importance and craving for excessive admiration are not unusual, but you should be wary if someone uses you to satisfy their own needs without showing any regret for doing so.
Narcissism can often be traced back to childhood experiences that create an unstable psychological dependency on others and genetics or neurobiology as contributing factors.
What Is Narcissism?
Narcissists are the self obsessed personalities. they are exaggerated and idealized by them self. they are insecure by the society and their norms but to keep their pride and concerned with everyone around them they generate and learn many tactics to control their victim who ever is in a relationship with a narcissist. traits in which make you feel they are special and important and they control your believe system against them. they make you feel you are worthless but they are worthy of love and attention
A pattern of conceited, haughty thinking and conduct, a lack of empathy and concern for other people, and an overwhelming need for adulation are all indicators of narcissistic personality disorder.

You don’t think you’re special.
Narcissists believe they’re at the center of everything, with everything else revolving around them. In order to maintain this view of themselves as being special and worthy of praise and admiration. Narcissists tend to exaggerate their accomplishments and talents in order to maintain this illusion of perfection for themselves. Furthermore, they expect special treatment including special compliments, attention and admiration from others as part of this fantasy reality.
Narcissism can lead to destructive relationships. Narcissists do not seek love; rather they exploit people for their own gain. Narcissists will lie, manipulate, hurt and disrespect you in ways that make it hard for others to see through them.
Gaslighting is a tactic used by narcissists to control their victims and maintain power within relationships, and to preserve their narcissistic personality and maintain power dynamics Ultimately, living like this is neither healthy nor fulfilling; therefore, it’s crucial that individuals recognize narcissistic behavior and learn what healthy relationships look like.
An individual with narcissistic traits can still form healthy relationships if they do not use these characteristics to abuse and manipulate others. Spending time with people who affirm your thoughts and emotions is crucial in order to stay unbiased and avoid falling for the narcissist’s distorting projections; learning about narcissism will also allow you to spot this behavior more readily so you can take steps to safeguard yourself against its damaging influence on relationships in your life.