WhatsOn focuses on the giant picture of humanity, solidarity, democracy, socialism, and secularism. Keeping with the same goal WhatsOn now presents you Asia Guide 2021- Rafastic.

Every year WhatsOn publishes many guides along with an Asia issue focusing the facts and events happening around Asia and mostly Bangladesh. This year’s issue has covered the famous founding member of the rock band AvoidRafa, Raef Al Hasan Rafa.

Rafa is a Bangladeshi musician, singer-songwriter and producer altogether covering the heavy metal, rock and art rock in our music industry. WhatsOn Asia Guide 2021 also included the world warming issues going on. Here you will know more about The Arab-Israel War, top issue of this year.

Asia Guide have the most exciting exclusive essential listings, including- agendas, fashion, sports, art, events, articles, listicles, actions, books, films, music gigs, recipes and so on.

WhatsOn Guide has the Live Nugen page that always tries to flourish the emerging artists around the globe to give them the space and floor to enhance their audience.

There’s an exclusive interview with Ed Sheeran. Another exclusive report is on- The Arab-Israel War by Syed Badrul Ahsan and then obviously Rafa’s one.

WhatsOn Founder, CEO and Editor Sam Alim talked about the Afghanistan Tales in his brief report in this guide. The most special addition to this guide is a tribute to the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In total the whole guide is a combo of exclusive collections of WhatsOn BD and UK team.

WhatsOn, the most comprehensive guide is to tell you what’s happening now. Get your hands on curated content such as arts, films, TV series, politics, fashion, clubs, music, and everything in between.

Read the E-mag here- https://whatson.guide/202189-4wo-as-sm-es-367/