Russian strikes on cities across Ukraine, killing at least seven people. The Russia-Ukraine war has been raging to a dangerous level. Ukraine sparked renewed calls for peace today, with campaigners warning the risk of a nuclear conflagration is increasing daily. Russia carried out missile strikes on cities across Ukraine, including Kyiv. Which stands to be the most widespread set of attacks since the early weeks of the war.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has confirmed the strikes, saying “terrorism” against Russia will be met with a similar response. Ukraine has attacked the connecting bridge between Russia and Crimea, killing at least three people. Western leaders and Zelensky will hold talks about the escalation of the war. But peace campaigners have called out that the conflict in Ukraine is a proxy war between Russia and the West. Also, they have warned about the conflict could spiral into a deadly nuclear confrontation. Stop the War Coalition convener Lindsey, German said, “the war is escalating dangerously following the attack on the Krech bridge in Crimea. There are no winners in this situation. The British government should be urging peace, not war.”

a ground-based intercontinental ballistic missile was launched from the Plesetsk facility in northwestern Russia.

The negotiation deal was ditched after British prime minister Boris Johnson, at the behest of the Biden administration. Which pressed President Zelensky to break off the negotiations. Current Prime Minister, Liz Truss, who happened to be the foreign secretary at that time blocked the peace plan. But other nations such as China and India have called for a peaceful resolution. Kate Hudson, the general secretary of CND, said: “the world is moving rapidly towards nuclear war and our government is one of those leading the charge.”

Jeremy Corbyn condemned the Russian invasion from the outset of the conflict, saying: “the latest missile strikes in Ukraine represent a condemnable continuation of Russia’s brutal war”. World-renowned political dissident Noam Chomsky also discussed the U.S peace movement in response to the Ukraine war and the dangerous US senate policy on China and Taiwan. He says: “along with Ukraine, could end in a “terminal war”. The destruction wrought in the Global South by Western so-called humanitarian invasion in the name of democracy. Vijaya Prashad claims, ” you can’t bring democracy by warfare, but let people develop their own dignified histories”.