Pride Month, is held every year, has become an opportunity for the LGBTQIA+ activist movement. The movement pushes the envelope for the acceptance and normalization of more debauched lifestyles. The movement was originally conceived to legalize same-sex unions, with slogans like “love is Love” and “gay is good”. But now, the movement has been subsequently hijacked to push ever more forms of “inclusivity” for transgenderism and non-binary individuals, who have expressed an open desire to “dismantle” cultural norms.
A Pride Month annual movement sparked controversy after parents brought their kids to Drag Pride Event. The event had all the vulgar elements and also censored elements which kids shouldn’t be exposed to at this tender age.
The movement has become non-clamantly about targeting children through school curricula and drag shows hosted at public libraries and gay nightclubs. Recently- released Discovery+ show, titled “Generation Drag” aims to promote this lifestyle for children.
generation dragBut this should not be tolerated at any cost as this may has many negative impact on children. Even may leftists say that the push for tolerance and inclusivity for every lifestyle is going too far. Parents should take initiative to top down these lifestyle movement, or keep kids out of these. The Pride Parade is turning into a shame instead to pride!