DiEM25’s campaign for workers’ rights would focus on gaining control of Italians’ workers’ rights. Because of the ongoing wars and pandemic-related difficulties, people are facing discrimination and instability again. In DiEM25’s opinion, Italy has an unstable system, especially for the working-class people.

Lavoro se, a campaign launched by DiEM25 in Italy, is for regaining workers’ rights for the Italians. Their demands and suggestions are mentioned bellow:

DiEM25 wants 36 yours to be new weekly working time because they think people need more free time for themselves. They also want an increase in the amount of money they earn.

They want a system that would have a universal basic income, so that people need not worry about their freedom of choices. Finally, DiEM25 proposes for a concept called “Citizenship Work” that means would get job where they live.

DiEM25 wants everyone to support their campaign for workers’ rights in Italy so that they can fight against discrimination and instability.