WhatsOn Music Academy is a place where aspiring musicians can learn and grow their musical abilities. Whether you prefer rock, pop, or electronic music, we offer courses to help you reach your musical aspirations. We don’t force you to follow a particular style; we encourage you to be original and express your creativity freely. Join us and let your music shine.

  • Music education should be accessible to everyone. We share music with all, despite backgrounds or abilities. Lessons at various prices, open to all levels.
  • Music can be a powerful force for good in the world. Music unites, expresses, and uplifts. Our mission: spreading joy and positivity through music.
  • Our students are unique individuals with their own unique talents and gifts. We empower students to discover their unique musical voice and be their authentic selves.
  • We believe in immersing our students in the art of guitar playing. We teach guitar fundamentals while inspiring students to create and share their music.

Get ready to immerse yourself in the art of guitar playing and discover the true essence of Guitar playing. And discover the true essence of Guitar and ukulele Lesson.

Join our professional learning class on 04 October, 2024 at 11:00 AM UK time and 16:00 PM BD time. As we unveil the secrets to mastering The Guitar lesson at WhatsOn Music Academy. Elevate your skills and expand your musical horizons by joining this transformative learning experience. Register now!

Impotence of Guitar String Holding Position

Proper string holding is a fundamental aspect of learning to play the guitar. It ensures that you produce clear, consistent tones and prevents hand strain. In this article, we will discuss the correct hand position for holding guitar strings, including thumb placement, finger positioning, and overall hand posture.

Thumb Placement

  • Position: Place your thumb on the back of the neck, slightly below the middle finger of your fretting hand.
  • Pressure: Apply gentle pressure with your thumb to counteract the tension of the strings.
  • Avoid Over-Tightening: Be careful not to press too hard with your thumb, as this can hinder your ability to move your fingers freely and may cause hand pain.

Finger Positioning

  • Curved Fingers: Keep your fingers curved, with the tips touching the strings. This allows for better control and precision when fretting.
  • Finger Placement: Place your fingers on the frets directly behind the fret wire. This ensures that you produce a clear tone and avoid buzzing.
  • Avoid Blocking Strings: Be mindful of not blocking other strings with your fingers when fretting a note. This can result in muted or muffled sounds.

Hand Posture

  • Relaxed Hand: Maintain a relaxed hand posture. Avoid clenching your fist or applying excessive tension.
  • Wrist Angle: Keep your wrist slightly angled upward to allow for comfortable finger movement.
  • Hand Alignment: Ensure that your hand is aligned parallel to the neck of the guitar. This helps prevent hand strain and promotes proper technique.

Practice Tips

  • Start with Open Strings: Begin by practicing holding the open strings with your thumb and index finger. Pay attention to your thumb placement and finger curvature.
  • Gradual Progression: Gradually introduce additional fingers and frets as you become more comfortable.
  • Use a Metronome: Practice holding the strings with a metronome to develop a sense of rhythm and timing.
  • Seek Feedback: If possible, have a guitar instructor or experienced player observe your technique and provide feedback.

Common Mistakes and Corrections

  • Over-Tightening Thumb: If you find that your thumb is pressing too hard on the neck, try relaxing your grip and focusing on applying just enough pressure to hold the strings down.
  • Stiff Fingers: Avoid stiffening your fingers. Practice keeping them relaxed and curved for better control and flexibility.
  • Incorrect Finger Placement: Ensure that your fingers are placed directly behind the fret wire. If you are placing them too far forward or backward, you may experience buzzing or muted sounds.
  • Blocking Strings: Be mindful of your finger placement to avoid blocking other strings. This can be corrected by practicing careful finger isolation and coordination.


Proper string holding is essential for developing good guitar technique and preventing hand strain. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can establish a solid foundation for your guitar playing journey. Remember to practice regularly and seek feedback from experienced players to refine your technique and achieve your musical goals.

Class Curriculum: ????????

  • Exercise
  • Guitar String Basics
  • Open Mike

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