The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a significant social reform in Australia, aimed at providing support to Australians with a disability, their families, and carers. The scheme funds a range of services and supports to help individuals achieve their goals and improve their quality of life. NDIS services are delivered through approved providers, ensuring participants receive high-quality, tailored support.

Life with Choice Care: Overview

Life with Choice Care is a prominent NDIS provider based in Melbourne dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities by offering comprehensive and personalized support services. Their mission is to enhance the independence, social participation, and overall well-being of NDIS participants.

Services Offered by Life with Choice Care

Life with Choice Care provides a wide range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of their clients. These services include:

1. Personal Care and Support
   - Assistance with daily living activities such as bathing, dressing, and grooming.
   - Mobility support to help individuals move around safely at home and in the community.

2. Community Participation
   - Programs and activities that encourage social interaction and community engagement.
   - Support for attending social events, community activities, and recreational programs.

3. Household Tasks
   - Help with domestic chores like cleaning, cooking, and laundry.
   - Assistance with grocery shopping and meal preparation.

4. Therapeutic Supports
   - Access to physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.
   - Tailored therapeutic plans to improve functional skills and overall health.

5. Transportation Services
   - Safe and reliable transport to medical appointments, social activities, and other essential destinations.
   - Assistance with using public transport and navigating the community.

6. Plan Management
   - Financial management of NDIS funds, ensuring services are paid for and budgets are maintained.
   - Support in understanding and maximizing NDIS plans and entitlements.

7. Support Coordination
   - Help in coordinating various supports and services to ensure a cohesive approach to care.
   - Guidance in navigating the NDIS system and connecting with appropriate providers.

Why Choose Life with Choice Care?

1. Person-Centered Approach
   - Life with Choice Care focuses on the individual needs and goals of each participant, ensuring personalized and flexible support plans.

2. Experienced and Compassionate Staff
   - The team at Life with Choice Care comprises highly trained and empathetic professionals dedicated to providing the best care possible.

3. Commitment to Quality
   - As a registered NDIS provider, Life with Choice Care adheres to the highest standards of service delivery, ensuring participants receive reliable and effective support.

4. Community Integration
   - Emphasis on helping participants become active members of their communities, fostering social connections and a sense of belonging.

5. Transparent Communication
   - Clear and open communication with participants and their families, ensuring everyone is informed and involved in decision-making processes.


Many participants and their families have shared positive feedback about their experiences with Life with Choice Care:

- Life with Choice Care has been a game-changer for our family. Their support has allowed our son to gain more independence and participate in community activities." - Sarah T.
- "The team at Life with Choice Care is incredibly supportive and attentive. They have made navigating the NDIS system much easier for us." - Mark R.

How to Get Started

To begin receiving support from Life with Choice Care, individuals can contact their team to discuss their needs and goals. The process typically involves:

1. Initial Consultation   - An in-depth discussion to understand the participant's requirements and preferences.

2. Developing a Support Plan
   - Creating a personalized plan that outlines the services and supports needed to achieve the participant's goals.

3. Ongoing Support and Review
   - Regular check-ins and adjustments to the support plan to ensure it continues to meet the participant's evolving needs.


Life with Choice Care stands out as a leading NDIS provider in Melbourne, offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to the unique needs of individuals with disabilities. Their commitment to quality care, person-centered approach, and dedication to empowering participants make them an excellent choice for anyone seeking support through the NDIS.

For more information or to start the journey with Life with Choice Care, visit their website or contact their friendly team today.