June 2024 promises a vibrant month with captivating exhibitions across the globe. From the legendary Art Basel showcasing modern and contemporary masterpieces to solo presentations by rising stars and thought-provoking thematic displays, this guide unveils a diverse range of experiences for every artistic interest.

Art Basel 2024

When and where: 13 Jun – 16 Jun 24, Art Basel

Presenting modern and contemporary art, Art Basel is the biggest art fair globally.
The audience can take use of excellent fair performance art, digital art, and a robust debate program in addition to paintings, photos, and sculptures. After making its debut in 1970, Art Basel quickly gained international recognition and is now the most eagerly awaited event on the calendar for the art industry.

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Photo Basel 2024

When and Where: 10 Jun – 16 Jun 24, Switzerland

Held in June amid the renowned Art Basel, Photo Basel is a relatively new art fair.
It’s the first photography-only fair in Switzerland. The purpose of the show is to truly develop and promote this wonderful art form. Modern and contemporary artwork by established and up-and-coming artists is on display at the participating galleries.

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When and Where: 16th Jun 23 to 7th Sept 25, Paris.

Fashion on the move examines, using the collections of Palais Galliera, the evolution of fashion from the eighteenth century to the present. The goal of the show is to generate a transversal topic about the moving body similar to modern art. The exhibition explores clothing’s role in physical and sports activities, its link to the body and movement, and the societal ramifications of its growth. It is organized in conjunction with the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris.

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‘Edvard Munch: Trembling Earth’ at Munch, Oslo

When and Where: 27th Apr to 25th Aug, 2024, Oslo

Nature was “the eternal great realm from which art derives its sustenance,” according to Edvard Munch. Eight themed rooms—”In the Forest,” “Cultivated Landscape,” “On the Shore,” “Chosen Places,” “The Scream of Nature,” “Storm and Snow,” “In a Cosmic Cycle,” and “Beneath the Sun”—explore the many and varied ways in which he depicted nature in this show. Eleven preliminary renditions of the visionary paintings he produced for the University of Oslo’s Aula (ceremonial hall) are brought together in the exhibition’s last room, marking its culmination and exploration of modern art.

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When and Where: 10am–12:30pm, 14th Jun, 2024, Ca’ Dolfin, Calle de la Saoneria, 3825/D, 30123 Venezia VE, Italy.

This free event carries on the conversation on terms used in contemporary arts, this time concentrating on how this new vocabulary is applied in modern art discourses—from the viewpoint of artist practitioners—to art history, theory, and criticism.

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Trazas de Rosa Galindo

 When and Where: 22nd May,24 – 24th Jun,24, Trafalgar 70

Rosa Galindo frees us to explore a universe that opens up for her as she delves into the essence of modern art, people, and existence itself. Movement offers us opportunities to investigate time and space, whether it takes the form of a swirl, a stream, spirals, or sinuous lines.

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Liste Art Fair Basel 2024

When and Where: 5th-23d June 2024, Messe Basel, Hall 1.1

 Established in 1996, Liste Art Fair Basel is a global platform for emerging talents in contemporary art. Annually, Basel has an exhibition of artists who are exceptional examples of the most recent advancements and trends in contemporary art, organized by a younger generation of galleries. This year, over 100 artists’ works will be on display in Messe Basel’s Hall 1.1 thanks to 91 galleries from 35 different countries. There will be 23 first-time exhibitors, 75 solo presentations, and a plethora of exciting new discoveries to be made.

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the window and the couch 2024

When and Where: 4th-26th June, 2024, Vienna, Austria.

A pop-up exhibition featuring contemporary art, design, and Sigmund Freud will open on Tuesday, June 4th at 74tharts. Delve into the psyche at the West Bibliotek, a historic economics institution in the 9th district. This exhibition explores eros, thanatos, dreams, the subconscious, and more.

  For more, visit