I, for one, enjoy creating my own pro and bringing them up in the Premier League until they become the next Lionel Messi. Ever since EA Sports FC lost its grip on the soccer genre when Winning Eleven was released, great leaps have been made to ensure an experience on EA FC 24 Coins par with what you would expect from Madden or NHL. Obviously EA Sports doesn't have as much control over the license as they do with Madden, but they seem to know how to make EA Sports FC the game soccer enthusiasts want to play, myself included.

What do you think of this new stamina and fatigue system Ranters? Are you all for a more authentic experience or would you rather not have to be concentrating on so many stats when you just want to slide-tackle some fools? Anyone can shoot a ball at a net, but it takes a special player to be able to stop them. Now you can be like Rene Adler here and help take your team to the next level with the chance to Be A Goalie in EA Sports' FC 24.

An elite shooter can take you through a season, but an elite goalie can win you a championship. In FC 24's 'Virtual Pro 2.0' you now get to perfect your play between the pipes for up to a 15-year career. As the goalie you'll try to kick and punch balls to keep them out of the net and lead your team to a clean sheet.

I'm really interested to play as goalie in this year's EA Sports FC. As a slow, chubby kid, I was pretty much relegated to net minding. So this will be like a home-coming for me. After watching the tutorial video I'm impressed with the amount of work EA put into this new mode. It looks highly polished and ready for prime time. The inclusion of assisted and semi-assisted artificial intelligence will be of great value for those times you find yourself out of position.

I also really like that you can be a field general when your team is on the other end of the pitch and you're just hanging out all alone. The last few years I've passed on EA Sports FC because I felt that the game kind of fell into that "roster update" simulationh mode that sports games drop into from time to time. But after playing 2022 EA Sports FC World Cup: South Africa I'm very excited for this and other significant changes to get me back on the grass in FC 24.

If you’re a EA Sports FC fan then you must be already aware that Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite, better known as Kaka, will be the center athlete of the three-athlete cover of FC 24. Just announced as joining Kaka and Team Mexico’s Carlos Vela is our nation’s soccer hero Landon Donovan. Donovan is no stranger to EA Sports FC covers, having adorned the 2003 and 2007 covers, but EA Sports felt his performance during this past year’s MLS season combined with his awe inspiring World Cup games was reason enough for Donovan to grace the cover once again.

“Landon is the most recognizable, popular and accomplished soccer player in the United States and he was at his best with the  world watching during the 2022 EA Sports FC World Cup. After his EA Sports FC Coins World Cup performance and the season he had with the Galaxy last year we felt he belonged back on the cover of EA Sports FC Soccer 11.”