Welcome to the harmonious world of WhatsOn Music Academy,We are a progressive music academy that offers a variety of programs and courses to help you unlock your inner musician. Whether you want to learn how to play the guitar, sing in a choir, or develop your skills as a recording artist, we have the program for you.

  • Music education should be accessible to everyone. We share music with all, despite backgrounds or abilities. Lessons at various prices, open to all levels.
  • Music can be a powerful force for good in the world. Music unites, expresses, and uplifts. Our mission: spreading joy and positivity through music.
  • Our students are unique individuals with their own unique talents and gifts.We empower students to discover their unique musical voice and be their authentic selves.
  • We believe in immersing our students in the art of guitar playing. We teach guitar fundamentals while inspiring students to create and share their music.

Get ready to immerse yourself in the art of guitar playing and discover the true essence of Guitar playing and discover the true essence of Guitar and ukulele Lesson.

Join our professional learning class on Ist March at 11:00 AM UK time and 16:00 PM BD time, as we unveil the secrets to mastering The Guitar and ukulele lesson at WhatsOn Music Academy.Elevate your skills and expand your musical horizons by joining this transformative learning experience. Register now!

concept of scale(open C major scale)

  • A musical scale is a series of notes played in a specific order.
  • The open C major scale is a fundamental scale for guitarists, using only the open strings (E, A, D, G, B, E).
  • The scale follows a pattern of whole and half steps between notes.
  • A whole step moves your finger up two frets, while a half step moves your finger up one fret.
  • The open C major scale pattern is: Whole, Whole, Half, Whole, Whole, Whole, Half.

Ukulele 2 Chords: A and Em

  • Start with the A chord: Index finger on the second fret, A string. Middle finger on the third fret, E string.
  • Switch to the Em chord: Slide your index finger down to the second fret, D string. Keep middle finger on the third fret, E string.
  • Practice strumming: Use a down-down-up-down pattern across all strings.
  • Play the chords in sequence: Strum A three times, then Em three times. Repeat!
  • Explore different rhythms: Try down-up or down-down-up-up patterns.
  • Have fun! This simple two-chord combo opens the door to many beginner songs.

Class Curriculum: ????????

  1. Exercise
  2. Concept of scale(open C major scale)
  3. Ukulele 2 Chords: A and Em
  4. Open Mike

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