Embark on a Tech Odyssey: Dive into the latest technology trends with WhatsOn IT Academy’s class on February 3, 2024, at 15:00 PM BD time and 9:00 AM UK time. Explore the nuances of contemporary web development in this extensive program, acquiring practical skills in building robust RESTful APIs. Boost your coding proficiency – secure your spot now for a journey into the future of technology!

Introduction to React and JSX

  • Overview of React and its benefits.
  • Introduction to JSX syntax.
  • Hands-on: Creating a simple React component using JSX.

Props and State in React

  • Understanding the concepts of props and state.
  • Practical application: Building components with props and managing state.
  • Exercises to reinforce understanding.

React Bootstrap and React Tailwind

  • Introduction to React Bootstrap for responsive design.
  • Exploring Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling.
  • Implementation: Integrating React Bootstrap and Tailwind into React applications.

Making HTTP Requests with Axios

  • Overview of Axios for making HTTP requests in React.
  • Hands-on: Implementing Axios for data fetching.
  • Error handling and best practices.

React Firebase Authentication

  • Introduction to Firebase authentication.
  • Setting up Firebase for React projects.
  • Implementing user authentication in a React application using Firebase.

As you move forward, armed with practical skills, a deeper understanding of React, and exposure to industry-standard tools, remember that this journey is just the beginning. The ever-evolving landscape of technology awaits your innovative contributions. Secure your spot now and be part of the continuous evolution of the future of technology at WhatsOn IT Academy. Happy coding!

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