Faith leaders in Scotland are urging political leaders to take decisive action at the upcoming UN climate talks in Dubai to address the looming catastrophe of climate change. Their focus centers on advocating for the establishment of a loss and damage fund, providing crucial financial assistance to communities already facing the devastating effects of climate change.
Call for Financial Commitment and Support from British Ministers
The faith leaders are specifically calling for a commitment from British ministers to ensure that major polluters contribute significantly to the proposed loss and damage fund. Emphasizing the need for immediate and equitable support, the fund is envisioned to provide grants rather than loans to communities grappling with the impact of climate change.
Diverse Religious Denominations Unite in Appeal
Signatories to the letter represent a spectrum of religious denominations, including the Church of Scotland, the Scottish Catholic Bishops Conference, and the Hindu Temple of Scotland. Their collective plea extends beyond the religious community, reaching out to leaders of major political parties.
Global Parliamentarians’ Pledge on Loss and Damage
In tandem with their direct appeal, faith leaders are seeking support from political leaders for the Global Parliamentarians’ Pledge on loss and damage, underscoring the urgency of global collaboration in addressing the climate crisis.

Addressing Climate Injustice and Urgency
In a powerful statement accompanying the letter, the faith leaders express the devastating impact of the climate crisis on lives and ecosystems worldwide. They highlight the unequal burden faced by the world’s poorest nations, emphasizing that urgent action is crucial to prevent untold destruction. The leaders stress the importance of enacting the loss and damage fund, agreed upon in principle at COP27, as a step towards correcting historical and current injustices.
Hope Amidst Challenges
Acknowledging the significant challenges ahead, faith leaders in Scotland emphasize that hope remains if those in power recognize the urgency of the climate crisis and act with integrity, humility, and humanity.
Government’s Response and Commitment
The government has stated that it has reached an agreement with its international partners on a comprehensive plan for the loss and damage fund, affirming its commitment to addressing the challenges posed by climate change.