AIDAN FRERE-SMITH reports from the Balkans on the efforts of a small group of humanitarian NGOs to support the desperate migrants crossing the region to reach Western Europe.
The Serbian-Hungarian border is increasingly in hostile environment. Many take this route through the Balkans in pursuit of Europe. The concern is that the number of people travelling through this route is on the rise. Many people temporarirly reside at one of the squats and camps in the north of Serbia. Which is in dilapidated buildings, improvised structures and tents.
What does the reports suggest?
According to a report published by Belgrade Centre for Human Rights that the number of “registered foreigners” have doubled. Data published by the UN refugee agency states that there was a 57% increase in refugees. The migrants passing through Serbia between January and February of 2023 compared withe pervious year.

Solidarity and Respect
During aid distrubtions,mobile phones and power packs can be changed. Access to mobile phones is not only important phones is not only important for emergencies and navigation but can improve mental well-being and “transform humanitarian action”. Hygiene is also maintained through a laundry service at one of CA’s warehouse units.
The severity of the lack of sanitation, for example, is not something that can be described lightly. In addition to this, mounds of trash dominate some areas and are ever-growing.
Systematic Persecution
Squats and camps exist due to a lack of supportive infrastructure from the Serbian government. Refugees have been in inhumane conditions and sometimes under “life-threatening situation”. Regardless of where they stay, the migrants have little choice but to endure terrible conditions, exacerbated by hostile authorities. Evictions, for example, are one such method.

Hope to not Return!
Men, children, women have been reportedly faced mistreatments from authorities, who enroute through Balkan route. Though there can be a sense of camaraderie among those on the move, the reality is much more complicated.
The mistreatment, solidarity and suffering of the refugee conditions of the travellers contributes to the disastrous conditions of humans. The inhumane conditions and the mistreatement from the authorities contribute to a dystopian condition in which humans are dewelling.