• DNS Treatment

    Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) Treatment is a treatment for displacement or deviation in the nasal septum. A person with a deviated septum can experience nasal obstruction, and other symptoms like headache, sinusitis, nose bleeding, facial pain, abnormal sounds during breathing, preferring to sleep on one side, anosmia, and middle ear infections can all cause DNS. ENT doctors at Vikram ENT Hospital Coimbatore opt for septoplasty, a surgical treatment to bridge bone and cartilage between the nostrils. The DNS Treatment improves your breathing flow. https://www.vikramenthospital.com/for-patients/deviated-nasal-septum.php
    DNS Treatment Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) Treatment is a treatment for displacement or deviation in the nasal septum. A person with a deviated septum can experience nasal obstruction, and other symptoms like headache, sinusitis, nose bleeding, facial pain, abnormal sounds during breathing, preferring to sleep on one side, anosmia, and middle ear infections can all cause DNS. ENT doctors at Vikram ENT Hospital Coimbatore opt for septoplasty, a surgical treatment to bridge bone and cartilage between the nostrils. The DNS Treatment improves your breathing flow. https://www.vikramenthospital.com/for-patients/deviated-nasal-septum.php
    Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) causes and symptoms | Spurs
    The deviated nasal septum - one side of the nose being more congested than other one. The types of deviated nasal septum are anterior deformity, Spurs, etc.
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  • Are you depressed? Let me tell you the reasons…

    One of the most widespread mental issues is depression, which frequently co-occurs with stress. Depression can differ from minor and brief to severe and enduring. While some people may only develop symptoms once, others may have them more times. Suicide can result from depression, but it can be avoided with the right help.
    Depression could have many various causes. There are several triggering and even a vast assortment of possible reasons.

    Stressful situations: Most individuals need some time to adjust to traumatic situations like losing a loved one or ending a relationship. When these stressful issues occur, breaking off contact with loved ones and attempting to resolve your problems alone increases your risk of developing depression.

    Persona: If you reflect certain personality qualities, such as poor self-esteem or intense identity, you could be more likely to become depressed. Your traits from your parents, your prior experiences, or both may be to blame for this.

    Family background: It is more probable that you will develop anxiety if somebody in your family—such as a father, sister, or brother—has had it in the past.

    Having a baby: After childbirth, some women are more susceptible to depression. Maternal depression may occur from hormonal and physical changes, as well as the added stress of a new life.

    Feelings of emptiness: Your potential for anxiety and depression may rise if you suffer feelings of loneliness put on by activities like cutting off contact with friends and relatives.

    Drinking and drugs: Some people turn to extreme alcohol or drug use as a survival strategy whenever life becomes harsh. Depression may increase as a result of this. Although marijuana might help you chill, there is proof that it may worsen depression, specifically in teens.

    Diseases: If you struggle with severe or life-threatening disease severe or life-threatening illness, including cancer or cardiac disease, you may be more likely to be depressed.

    If you are passing through clinical depression, don’t wait to die. Visit a psychologist. Take some positive steps to improve your present situation. Don’t be hopeless. Life is beautiful!
    Are you depressed? Let me tell you the reasons… One of the most widespread mental issues is depression, which frequently co-occurs with stress. Depression can differ from minor and brief to severe and enduring. While some people may only develop symptoms once, others may have them more times. Suicide can result from depression, but it can be avoided with the right help. Depression could have many various causes. There are several triggering and even a vast assortment of possible reasons. Stressful situations: Most individuals need some time to adjust to traumatic situations like losing a loved one or ending a relationship. When these stressful issues occur, breaking off contact with loved ones and attempting to resolve your problems alone increases your risk of developing depression. Persona: If you reflect certain personality qualities, such as poor self-esteem or intense identity, you could be more likely to become depressed. Your traits from your parents, your prior experiences, or both may be to blame for this. Family background: It is more probable that you will develop anxiety if somebody in your family—such as a father, sister, or brother—has had it in the past. Having a baby: After childbirth, some women are more susceptible to depression. Maternal depression may occur from hormonal and physical changes, as well as the added stress of a new life. Feelings of emptiness: Your potential for anxiety and depression may rise if you suffer feelings of loneliness put on by activities like cutting off contact with friends and relatives. Drinking and drugs: Some people turn to extreme alcohol or drug use as a survival strategy whenever life becomes harsh. Depression may increase as a result of this. Although marijuana might help you chill, there is proof that it may worsen depression, specifically in teens. Diseases: If you struggle with severe or life-threatening disease severe or life-threatening illness, including cancer or cardiac disease, you may be more likely to be depressed. If you are passing through clinical depression, don’t wait to die. Visit a psychologist. Take some positive steps to improve your present situation. Don’t be hopeless. Life is beautiful!
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  • COVID-19 disease affects different people in different ways. Whoever gets sick with this variant will experience mild to moderate symptoms. Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms. Anyone may get infected by breathing in the virus if near someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose, or even mouth.
    COVID-19 disease affects different people in different ways. Whoever gets sick with this variant will experience mild to moderate symptoms. Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms. Anyone may get infected by breathing in the virus if near someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose, or even mouth.
    1 Комментарии 0 Поделились
  • 6 things to eat after come down with COVID19

    COVID19- it’s a respiratory virus that causes a lot of symptoms. Though it’s varying person to person but most of the people face fever, coughs, and shortness of breath, body aches and loss of taste or smell. Due to the sense of losing the taste of smell it might impact your appetite. Here are some lists for you to eat well after come down with COVID19.

    1. Be Hydrate
    After come down with this respiratory virus always keep in mind you need to be hydrated. You may feel weak and can’t eat much because of your health for suffering from coronavirus. In that case hydration is much important. For recovering from this flu, the medicine you are taking may cause you to get dry. So be hydrate, hydrate and hydrate!

    2. Vitamin C
    We all know how important vitamin C is when we have cold or any flu. It’s another antioxidant that can give your immunity a boost. For example: Oranges, strawberries, mangoes and broccoli. It’s worth noting that oranges and grapefruit are better sources of vitamin C than lemons and limes.

    3. Ginger
    Ginger can help to cleanse the lymphatic system. It is known for its anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. You can drink your tea with mixing ginger. It’s a great way to take the benefit of ginger.

    4. Pineapple
    Pineapple is a superb choice for helping your body to boost its defenses against illness. While this fruit contains a number of beneficial vitamins and minerals, it seems that the enzyme bromeliad may be most advantageous for boosting immunity while reducing inflammation.

    5. Calorie contains food
    Remember it, nutrition matters, but calories matter too. Try to eat foods which carry a large number of calories. Trying to get calories in however you can and eating foods that help you feel good is probably going to be more important than worrying about getting enough zinc or vitamin A.

    6. Carrots
    Many researchers recommend drinking carrot juices to reap these disease-fighting rewards. it may be worth it since you’ll get more beta-carotene this way which helps to boost your immunity.

    Lastly, try to eat at least three servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day and steer clear of processed foods. Stay home, stay safe.
    6 things to eat after come down with COVID19 COVID19- it’s a respiratory virus that causes a lot of symptoms. Though it’s varying person to person but most of the people face fever, coughs, and shortness of breath, body aches and loss of taste or smell. Due to the sense of losing the taste of smell it might impact your appetite. Here are some lists for you to eat well after come down with COVID19. 1. Be Hydrate After come down with this respiratory virus always keep in mind you need to be hydrated. You may feel weak and can’t eat much because of your health for suffering from coronavirus. In that case hydration is much important. For recovering from this flu, the medicine you are taking may cause you to get dry. So be hydrate, hydrate and hydrate! 2. Vitamin C We all know how important vitamin C is when we have cold or any flu. It’s another antioxidant that can give your immunity a boost. For example: Oranges, strawberries, mangoes and broccoli. It’s worth noting that oranges and grapefruit are better sources of vitamin C than lemons and limes. 3. Ginger Ginger can help to cleanse the lymphatic system. It is known for its anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. You can drink your tea with mixing ginger. It’s a great way to take the benefit of ginger. 4. Pineapple Pineapple is a superb choice for helping your body to boost its defenses against illness. While this fruit contains a number of beneficial vitamins and minerals, it seems that the enzyme bromeliad may be most advantageous for boosting immunity while reducing inflammation. 5. Calorie contains food Remember it, nutrition matters, but calories matter too. Try to eat foods which carry a large number of calories. Trying to get calories in however you can and eating foods that help you feel good is probably going to be more important than worrying about getting enough zinc or vitamin A. 6. Carrots Many researchers recommend drinking carrot juices to reap these disease-fighting rewards. it may be worth it since you’ll get more beta-carotene this way which helps to boost your immunity. Lastly, try to eat at least three servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day and steer clear of processed foods. Stay home, stay safe.
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