HAPPY New Year to Every body! Thanks to all at WhatsOn network, our Advertisers, Clients, Friends, Relatives, & Staff - we couldn’t have done it without you! Our New Year Resolution 2022: Save Mother Earth from the Climate Emergency! Our sustainability is the most urgent task at hand, regardless of our difference - no one will scape from suffering of the climate change.
We need to respect mother earth and live in harmony with the nature. Challenge our selfishness and practice equality and love for the entire people & planet.
Since, our leaders are deluded, we at WhatsOn have no choice but to inspire people to face up to the Climate emergency realities and build back a better world for all of humanity! WhatsOn is the platform for that change, we must acknowledge the way things are, but change it for the benefit of every body.
During this pandemic, Science & Technology has saved us - lets share this collective human endeavour & innovate for the benefit of entire people and planet!
Let's all meditate, open our hearts & minds and embrace a sustainable life style. Let’s all collaborate for change; Ecological economics, Eliminate poverty, Equality at all level, Recycle every thing, Sustainable living, Socialism, and Vegetarianism. May you be Happy & peaceful. Joy WhatsOn!

HAPPY New Year to Every body! Thanks to all at WhatsOn network, our Advertisers, Clients, Friends, Relatives, & Staff - we couldn’t have done it without you! Our New Year Resolution 2022: Save Mother Earth from the Climate Emergency! Our sustainability is the most urgent task at hand, regardless of our difference - no one will scape from suffering of the climate change. We need to respect mother earth and live in harmony with the nature. Challenge our selfishness and practice equality and love for the entire people & planet. Since, our leaders are deluded, we at WhatsOn have no choice but to inspire people to face up to the Climate emergency realities and build back a better world for all of humanity! WhatsOn is the platform for that change, we must acknowledge the way things are, but change it for the benefit of every body. During this pandemic, Science & Technology has saved us - lets share this collective human endeavour & innovate for the benefit of entire people and planet! Let's all meditate, open our hearts & minds and embrace a sustainable life style. Let’s all collaborate for change; Ecological economics, Eliminate poverty, Equality at all level, Recycle every thing, Sustainable living, Socialism, and Vegetarianism. May you be Happy & peaceful. Joy WhatsOn!
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