Welcome to the harmonious world of WhatsOn Music Academy, where we explore the depths of guitar chords and rhythm to create a symphony of musical mastery. Prepare to unlock your inner musician and embark on an enchanting journey that will resonate through your melodies. Get ready to immerse yourself in the art of guitar playing and discover the true essence of 4 colour rhythm with chords.

Join our professional learning class on 23 June at 11:00 AM UK time and 16:00 PM BD time, as we unveil the secrets to mastering guitar chords and rhythm at WhatsOn Music Academy. Elevate your skills and expand your musical horizons by joining this transformative learning experience. Register now!

Guitar Lesson: 4 colour rhythm with chords

The 4 colour rhythm with chords is a guitar lesson that teaches you how to add more interest. And color to your chord progressions. By using different strumming patterns and adding notes from the major scale, you can create a more dynamic and engaging sound.

The lesson starts by teaching you the four basic chords in the major scale: I, IV, V, and vi. Once you know these chords, you’ll learn how to use different strumming patterns to create different rhythms. You’ll also learn how to add notes from the major scale to the chords. Which will give them a more colorful sound.

The lesson is designed for beginners, but it can also be helpful for intermediate players. Who want to learn new ways to spice up their chord progressions. With a little practice, you’ll be able to use the 4 colour rhythm with chords. To create your own unique and interesting guitar parts.

Song lesson: Do (do) re (re) mi (mi)

Immerse yourself in the captivating composition of Do (do) re (re) mi (mi). Our expert instructors Anupom Chakraborty will guide you through the song, revealing its unique chords, strumming patterns, and embellishments. Unleash your creativity as you infuse your personal touch into this melodic masterpiece.

Do (do) re (re) mi (mi) Unleashed is your medium to mastering guitar chords. Igniting your musical journey with passion and finesse. Embrace this transformative learning experience and let the power of Do (do) re (re) mi (mi) song inspire you to reach new heights as a guitarist. Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your skills and expand your musical horizons. Register now and embark on this electrifying musical adventure at WhatsOn Music Academy!

Class Curriculum: 🎸🎹

1.Guitar Lesong: 4 colour rhythm with chords

2.Song: Do (do) re (re) mi (mi)

3.Open Mike

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