Liberalism is a political and economic doctrine that emphasizes individual autonomy, equality of opportunity, and the protection of individual rights. Originally against the state and later against the state and private economic actors, including businesses. Liberal theories and ideologies have been subjected to a lot of interpretation and misinterpretation.

Its history carries a crucial heritage of civilized thinking, political practice, and philosophical-ethical creativity. Here are some of the newly released books which show the real face of the world and how the world works.

‘The Rise of the New Puritans: Fighting Back Against Progressives’ War on Fun’ by Noah Rothman***

The Rise of the New Puritans

In Noah Rothman’s view, the left used to be the party of the hippies and the free spirits. Now it’s home to woke scolds and humorless ideologues. From entertainment to food to comedy to family life, there’s no area of society in which the new leftists don’t want to control. As Rothman says, Progressive Puritans are committed to waging war on decadence, frivolity, and pleasure for its own sake. In this hard-hitting critique, he uncovers the historical roots of the left’s war on fun and counsels us to rediscover the freedom and joy at the heart of the American experiment.

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