According to the reports, an 18 years old white supremacist fired in a Black neighbourhood in Buffalo. 10 people were killed and 3 got wounded. Out of 13, 11 are Black victims.

The Ideology
The suspect, an 18-year-old, had posted racist materials online before the attack that was streamed live by himself. The suspect consciously picked that area because he knew that there was only one grocery store. He knew people of colour would be there.

The Manifesto
The uploaded manifesto is not an original one: it is a plagiarised version of the manifesto of the white supremacist who killed 51 individuals in 2019 in New Zealand. The manifesto mentions the racist conspiracy theory of “Great Replacement.” The idea of “Great Replacement” is propaganda of the far-right group and some of the Republicans.

The Politics
The act is not simply an incident done by a white racist. We need to have a look at what has encouraged this to take place. It is because of the political structure that is also white supremacist in nature.

It can be said that the system infused the idea of white supremacy and now people of colour are suffering reasonlessly.