Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine has worsened the food security crisis in many African countries in East, West, Middle, and Southern Africa. It is the worst food crisis since 1945 food scarcity. Africa rely on Russia and Ukraine for a significant percentage of their food supply.
This is the third month of the Russia’s invasion in Ukraine and the world is paying price of this war. There is inflation throughout the world and also food, fuel and necessity commodity crisis. Africa is one of the country which is worst hit by the war. Even the countries that import less from this two countries are indirectly impacted by higher world prices for key commodities. The war has reigned havoc throughout the world.
Under global and African human rights law everyone has the right to sufficient and adequate food. To protect this right, governments are obliged to enact policies and initiate programs to ensure that everyone can afford food. Social protection system that implement the right to social food security for all can be key instruments for supplying right to food.

Before the war Ukraine, countries in East, West, Middle, and Southern Africa, including Angola, Cameroon, Kenya, and Nigeria, were already grappled with food security. This was due to the extreme climatic condition, such as flood, drought, and landslides. And the Covid-19 pandemic, which disrupted the production efforts and global supply chain.
Since Russia’s invasion, global food price has reached a new height. The United Nations Food and Agriculture, have measured the Food Price Index for march which tells that there is 12.6% increase. Russia and Ukraine contribute to five global exporters of barley, sunflowers, and maize, and account for world’s third highest wheat exporter.

All this statics shows that Ukraine-Russia war has turned into a war for hunger and for death. War as said by George Orwell in “Nineteen Eighty-Four” is “peace”. But it is peace for the ruling class and death, destruction for the working class and poor people. The World Food Policy needs to change their policy to feed the people of Africa.