To draw attention and inspire action to prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks, World Food Safety Day is observed every year on June 7. This year’s theme for World Food Safety Day is ‘Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow’, which focuses on producing and consuming safe food.

WHO and therefore the Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations (FAO) jointly facilitate the observance of World Food Safety Day, together with the Member States and other relevant organizations.

This year, the 2021 theme is a reminder for all of us that availability of safe and healthy food can be sustained into the future by embracing digital innovations.

Everybody along the organic phenomenon is liable for food safety. Food safety and food hygiene are equally important as they make sure that the food you handle and produce is safe for consumption. Especially in this pandemic, it teaches us more generously how important food safety is!

Food safety is everyone's responsibility who is involved with food, from governments, food producers, retailers, and consumers. All along the food chain, legislation and controls are implemented to minimize the risk of contamination and ensure that the food which reaches the consumer's table is safe.

As a consumer, cook, seller, intermediary, regulator, or farmer, if all of us do a bit, one day we can surely ensure safe food for all. Indeed, food safety is truly a shared responsibility!