Directed by Dan Edelstyn and Hilary Powell.


Fed up with predatory economic institutions and drastic wealth disparity after the 2008 financial crisis, community-led movements are ready to take aim at archaic economic systems that are beneficial for a few and predatory to many.


Financial institutions are under the spotlight in this eye-opening indie film about greed and consumer credit.

Dan Edelstein and Hilary Powell are not household names. In fact, these filmmakers are inconsequential alongside their subject matter.

Bank Job is important because debt affects everyone eventually. Credit cards offer the illusion of financial freedom, with minimum payments and easy access for almost anyone.

In recent years payday loans have become commonplace, targeting those who should know better. A situation which this documentary addresses head-on.

Bank Job lays out a mission statement then backs it up with some staggering statistics. Beyond the eradication of debt, which is the end game for Dan and Hilary, this documentary celebrates human ingenuity above all else.

Around the end, with production, Their campaign becomes a national talking point, hijacks the public consciousness, and makes some waves. The artwork becomes currency, derelict institutions get a new lease of life and partnerships are forged.

This low-budget indie film delivers some hard-hitting home truths. This film is relevant to everyone and should be mandatory viewing for all. This docu-film released on 28th May 2021 in Uk.

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