Thousands of people are protesting highlighting the issue of misery and hardship. They are suffering due to the rise in food prices and fuel costs. For them, it is difficult to live during a time of inflation and low pay.

Those who are in crisis, are they responsible for everything? I do not think so because people have nothing to do with the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. But they are suffering endlessly, and there is nobody to think about them other than the people who are in pain—the direct sufferer of the new cost-of-living crisis.

In 20 different cities of Britain, the protest is going on: people are marching in to show their objection against the crisis that would bring poverty into the life of millions. Protesters mainly assembled at Downing Street and later started demonstrating from ‘Birmingham to Bournemouth, Cardiff to Cambridge, Manchester to Milton Keynes and Preston to Portsmouth.’ At some of the rallies, P&O ferry strikers were part of it as well.

By 54%, the price of domestic energy increased recently. Those who are UK’s worst-off individuals are suffering the most. The capitalist economic structure is responsible for the crisis too. Capitalism does not allow fair distribution of wealth according to the need of the people. If the wealth were distributed according to the demand as well as the need of the people, there would have been no crisis at all.

The protesters very actively expressed their demands by waving placards that said ‘tax the rich,’ ‘freeze energy bill.’ These signs show that people are aware of the reasons behind the crisis. And taxing the rich during the time of a crisis can be an effective suggestion for the government too.

The report says that people are sitting in the dark for days as they have no money for the services. A lot of people, during the crisis, cannot afford to pay increased bills. People who are disabled, old, and of low income suffered during the pandemic as well. But now with these new increases, the government is killing people systematically.

The idea of ‘social murder,’ developed by Friedrich Engels, is in practice now because the ruling class is pushing the working-class people into a situation where an early, as well as unusual death, would become the reality.

The unrestrained socio-economic design of exploitation and discrimination is responsible for all the socio-economic crises where only the working-class people suffer unreasonably. The time has come to stop the systematic exploitation of the poor by the ruler.