WhatsOn IT Academy is excited to announce the upcoming Certificate Ceremony for participants of the WordPress Theme Customization – Full Course, taking place on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 4:00 PM. This event will celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of our students who have dedicated themselves to learning the intricacies of WordPress theme customization over the past three months. It is a momentous occasion for both the students and the academy, recognizing the journey taken to master vital skills in web development.

The WordPress Theme Customization course is designed to equip participants with the necessary skills to effectively create and manage websites using WordPress. Covering a diverse range of topics, the course provides in-depth knowledge essential for anyone aspiring to become proficient in website design and development using this popular content management system (CMS).

Course Overview

The course begins with an introduction to content management systems and an exploration of WordPress. Students learn about the significance of using WordPress, including its user-friendly interface and extensive features that make it a popular choice for website creation.

Participants delve into the distinctions between WordPress.org and WordPress.com, understanding the functionalities and limitations of each platform. This foundational knowledge is crucial for anyone looking to establish their online presence.

Setting Up a Local Server

A significant portion of the course focuses on practical skills, starting with how to set up a local server. This allows students to install WordPress on their personal computers, providing a safe environment for experimentation and learning. The details covered include what a local server is, how to set it up, and the steps involved in installing WordPress on it.

As students become comfortable with WordPress, they will explore the WordPress dashboard. This includes discussing the various options available for managing websites, such as themes and plugins. By understanding these components, participants learn how to enhance the functionality and design of their websites.

Creating a Functional Newspaper and Blog Site

One of the highlights of the course is the hands-on experience of creating fully functional websites. Students work on projects that include developing a newspaper site and a blog using WordPress. These projects emphasize the practical application of skills learned throughout the course and provide students with valuable portfolio pieces.

Understanding Page Builders

An essential aspect of modern website design is the use of page builders. The course introduces students to Elementor, one of the most popular page builders for WordPress. Participants will learn how to install Elementor and create stunning landing pages without needing any coding skills, empowering them to produce visually appealing layouts effortlessly.

Setting Up WooCommerce for E-Commerce

In today’s digital landscape, e-commerce skills are invaluable. The course includes a comprehensive section on WooCommerce, teaching students how to install the plugin and set it up effectively. Participants will learn how to customize a WooCommerce theme, add variable products, set up shipping methods, and integrate payment gateways such as SSL Commerz. These skills will enable students to create and manage online stores with ease.

Advanced Customization with Slider Revolution

For those interested in advanced website design techniques, the course introduces Slider Revolution. Participants will gain hands-on experience in the installation and customization of this powerful plugin, learning how to create engaging and interactive sliders that enhance user engagement on their websites.

Hosting and Domain Connection

Another critical area covered in the course is setting up a hosting account and connecting a domain to it. Students will learn how to configure WordPress on a live domain, ensuring that their websites are accessible to the public.

Website Migration and Security

The course also addresses the important topic of website migration, guiding participants through the process of moving a website from a local server to a live environment. In addition, students will learn best practices for securing their WordPress websites to protect against potential threats.

Performance Enhancement and Headless WordPress

To ensure that websites perform optimally, the course covers techniques for improving speed and overall performance. Students are also introduced to headless WordPress with React, a modern approach to web development that separates the backend from the frontend.

Freelancing Opportunities

Finally, the course concludes with insights into the freelancing marketplace, specifically highlighting platforms like Fiverr. This section prepares participants to leverage their newly acquired skills in the freelance industry, opening doors to various job opportunities.


As the Certificate Ceremony approaches, WhatsOn IT Academy looks forward to celebrating the achievements of our students. ​The skills gained from the WordPress Theme Customization – Full Course not only empower participants to create stunning websites but also position them for future success in the thriving field of web development.​ We invite everyone to join us in recognizing the efforts of our dedicated learners on September 27, 2024, at 4:00 PM. This occasion promises to be an inspiring and motivational event for all!

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