Computer network support specialists support IT departments by testing and evaluating existing networks, maintaining existing networks, and troubleshooting LAN and WAN networks. They also solve problems with Internet systems. These specialists help non-IT workers with computer problems.

Be specific when discussing the requirements for career support training on your computer network, as this call offers entry-level positions for those with an associate's degree and more advanced positions for those with a bachelor's degree. Communication skills are required for this position as the specialist works with all company employees in a computer support role.

The most important skill is the ability to solve problems that can often be puzzling and frustrating. The ability to analyze and then solve even the most complex network problem is an absolute must. For more guidance, see the Computer Network Support Specialist job description below.

Computer Network Support Specialist Job Overview

Are you the Indiana Jones of computer network support specialists who can lead us to the Holy Grail: a fast and reliable corporate network? Are your friends asking you to stop analyzing everything? Are you an expert in evaluating existing network systems and making recommendations on how to improve them? Do you thrive on the challenge of building a local area network (LAN) and a wide area network (WAN) while laughing at disruption attempts? Then we need you. His experience in analyzing, maintaining, testing, and troubleshooting network and Internet systems is invaluable to our operations. You know these technical things; we are not.

Responsibilities :

  • Analyze, design, build, and configure the local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN), including installing network software, firewalls, and security configurations for all network endpoints to support growth business.
  • Configure LAN and WAN routers and all associated devices when new systems are needed
  • Configure desktop computing devices and install all system and network software, including operating systems and user software packages for new hires
  • Set up new users on LAN and / or WAN networks, grant access rights to approved groups, and configure security settings for new employees
  • Maintain and secure all networks, including daily hardware and software updates, to ensure efficient system operation
  • Troubleshoot and identify everyday LAN and WAN problems, including at the user and user group level, to ensure minimal connection problems and outages.
  • Analyze any attempted or successful network security breach every day to determine the source of the security breach, resolve related issues, and protect the network to prevent future infiltrations.
  • Assess and document LAN and WAN data to ensure networks are operating at maximum capacity and suggest solutions to improve performance and mitigate disasters.

Read More: Freelance Computer Network Support Specialists