Birds tweeting and waves lapping against a coastline, as well as cars honking in traffic, are all sounds that surround us. However, sounds are sometimes purposefully combined in order to create a specific mood or to represent ideas or feelings. Music is the term for a collection of well-organized sounds.


A collection of coordinated sound or sounds is referred to as music. Making music entails arranging sounds and tones in a specific order, often combining them to form a cohesive composition. People who compose music use sound to achieve a certain result, such as a Beethoven symphony or a Duke Ellington jazz song. Music is made up of noises, vibrations, and quiet moments, and it doesn't have to be pleasant or beautiful all of the time. It can be used to portray a wide range of emotions, events, and settings.


Almost every human culture has a musical tradition. Early instruments such as flutes and drums have been discovered that date back thousands of years. Music was employed in religious events by the ancient Egyptians. Drumming for crucial rituals is a tradition in many different African societies. Rock and pop performers play all around the world today, singing the songs that made them famous. All of these are musical examples.