An account that was sharing posts from former US President Donald Trump’s ‘desk’ page has banned by Twitter after angry democrats posted the platform with demands to ‘#RemoveTrumpJack’.

In this regard, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey had over 20,000 tweets on Wednesday, hours after the account @DJTDesk appeared on the platform. @DJTDesk said it had been “Not Trump Tweeting” but posting content generated by the 45th US president on his own website, called “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump.”

The first tweet was 12:42 am on Wednesday from the account, just hours after a blog ‘glorified return’ announced Trump’s return from the virtual platform. Before it had been banned, it reposted content from the blog and also mocked the critics calling for its removal as “LOOPY LIBERALS.” 

In previous, Twitter had also banned Trump’s personal account on January 6. Twitter' also echoed the Democrat accusation that Trump had “incited violence” at the US Capitol on Epiphany. Other social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat; quickly followed suit. 

Even YouTube has also banned “the voice of Donald Trump,” deleting videos and even accounts that posted any interviews or recordings of the former president.

Before its removal, the account was restricted over alleged violations of Twitter’s following policy.