The critical event monitoring services provided by Becklar and its subsidiaries, AvantGuard (AG), Armstrongs, and Eyeforce, bring a wave of comprehensive solutions to handle any alarm signal –  fire, security, medical alerts, IoT devices, video and remote guarding. 

Becklar Enterprise Monitoring can monitor any critical event, any time. With each signal, you can expect speed, accuracy, and exceptional service.

Professional Safety & Security Monitoring

Becklar is obsessed with bettering the lives and well-being of others.

Enterprise Monitoring provides real-time surveillance and direct responses to alarms 24/7. This is all possible through the use of Becklar’s exclusive AI-powered Engage Platform. Becklar utilizes AI to increase the speed of response times in the case of emergency signals. Accurate, prompt responses are critical in the event monitoring industry to ensure the best possible outcomes for your subscribers.

With Becklar Enterprise Monitoring, there are multiple redundant central stations across North America. AvantGuard, Armstrongs, and Eyeforce monitoring centers’ primary function is to protect subscribers by providing a redundancy infrastructure that is properly configured and tested to deliver industry-leading results.

However, not only is there redundancy, but these professional monitoring centers are also staffed with highly trained and caring operators. Open 24/7, the operators’ goals are to best help in any way they can. They genuinely care about the individuals who call and strive to deliver peace of mind. 

Reducing False Alarms

One of the biggest issues plaguing dealers and monitoring centers today is false alarms. 

This is relevant across all industries—including security and fire. On average, it’s estimated that about 70% of incoming signals to a central station are either false alarms or non-urgent. This can become a costly issue with potential to delay response times on true emergency signals. Thus, with Becklar’s advanced professional monitoring services, including the AI-based Engage Platform, Becklar is able to quickly differentiate between emergency and non-urgent signals and reduce false alarm dispatches. This frees up live operators to focus on the more urgent signals. 

Remote Guarding

Eyeforce specializes in monitoring advanced video surveillance systems and providing live remote guarding.

This enterprise monitoring service is an innovative, dependable security solution with many benefits that take security to new heights. This advanced system eliminates human error factors such as fatigue and lapses in patrol duties. Operating 24/7, Remote Guarding remains vigilant and on guard at all times.

Not only does this system deter crime, but it can also provide real-time engagement or live talk-downs. This is far superior to simply providing video verification to an alarm signal. And it is even more effective in preventing crime over pre-recorded messages or alarms when criminal activity is detected. Eyeforce utilizes operators who can directly engage with an intruder. This is the most proactive approach available in security prevention today, helping to prevent crimes before they happen.

IoT Devices

IoT refers to a network of devices connected through the Internet that are capable of sending and receiving data. Although there are many uses and benefits of implementing IoT devices to protect valuable property, the real benefit lies in their ability to be monitored remotely and responded to quickly to eliminate or minimize loss. 

A good example of this service is in crash detection. Auto accidents can happen to anyone unexpectedly. When an accident happens, a specialist is connected immediately with the vehicle occupants to assess the situation. If needed, emergency services are dispatched immediately.

IoT devices are also beneficial in environmental monitoring. Environmental monitoring consists of ensuring temperature changes, gas leaks, water leaks, and other environmental factors that can be identified immediately and responded to. It can be tedious to repeatedly check to see if a fridge or gas meter is stable; however, with IoT, that need is gone. Becklar’s professional monitoring services can identify and respond immediately when the need arises.

Medical Alerts

One of the top features in healthcare is remote patient monitoring. 

Through the use of mPERS devices and AI, patients can better manage everything from their lifestyles to medication for better health outcomes. With access to 24/7 monitoring, those who have health issues or aging adults can receive timely, professional, and compassionate engagement in the event of an emergency or in the event of medical readings that fall outside the boundaries set. With an mPERS device, patients can have more peace of mind and confidence. 

Becklar’s Enterprise Monitoring Solutions

Becklar Enterprise Monitoring solutions help to establish an ongoing culture of safety across industries, and the implementation of AI has positively changed everything. With Becklar’s many different Enterprise Monitoring services, everyone can have access to the help they need when they need it. When you work with Becklar and its subsidiary companies, you can rest assured knowing your business, workers, families, and property are protected.