The 1966 World Cup final must surely be one of the most famous football matches in history and for me, it holds a special place, as it was the first game that I actually watched (seated upon my mother's knee).  Sir Geoff Hurst holds the distinction of being the only player who has scored a hat trick in a World Cup final and is now the last surviving member of England's iconic team from that day. It was a great pleasure to attend this very entertaining evening. Hosted by Geoff's agent, Terry, the first half of the show was given over to Geoff himself, as he told stories and shared anecdotes from over the years. These were interesting and in many cases, amusing  (some, perhaps, not to be repeated in my other role as a Church Minister on Sunday morning) and it was a great insight into the lives and characters of some of the well known footballing names of past generations. 

After an auction of football shirts during the interval (this raised a substantial sum for charity), we settled down for the second half, which was a question and answer session between Geoff and the audience. At this point, I admitted that in spite of my 1966 World Cup t shirt, I have been a lifelong supporter of Northern Ireland (which was obvious as soon as I opened my mouth) and I was pleased to hear Geoff's memories of that other great footballing icon, George Best, as well as his answers to a variety of questions from members of the audience, all delivered in his natural and humorous style. . 

It was a privilege to be able to attend this evening and I am thankful to the Marketing team at the Garrick for giving me the opportunity. Geoff has been an inspiration to many over the years and I wish the England team who have followed in the footsteps of him and the great players of the past well for the Euros. Here's to more successful evenings on the rest of what I understand will be Geoff's farewell tour.  An enjoyable time was had by this writer and all present.