Manchester bus worker lead May Day
On this May Day 400 Manchester bus workers protest public transport bosses, stopping the “fire-and-rehire” attack. They lead the city’s May Day by raising a new trade union banner. 
These bus workers have been on strike for eight weeks on Go North West and resisting pay cuts and worsened conditions planned using the scandalous fire-and-rehire tactic.
That new proposals from Go North West will be continues till the updated consideration comes from by union. 
In a May Day rally in Manchester on Saturday Ian Allinson, a Unite agent to Manchester TUC expected positive feedback for fire and rehire in Britain “as it has been in so many countries.”
“This show of solidarity sends a powerful message: ‘We will not stand for fire and rehire. We will stand with these workers in solidarity. We will end fire and rehire’.”
 The strike has united campaign activists in north-west England and nationwide.
The People’s Assembly, Unite, Manchester Trade Union Council, Fire Brigades Union, Unison represented by this May Day march.
The bus strikers led the march with a new banner which is specially created for them The banner’s design is focused on a picket line.