Exploring the world of toys is always an exciting journey for both parents and children. Among various categories, toy guns have a special place in the hearts of many kids. They provide an adventurous way to engage in imaginative play, promoting creativity and teamwork. If you're looking to buy toy guns in Pakistan, knowing the prices and where to find the best deals is crucial. This guide will delve into the toy gun price in Pakistan, focusing on the offerings at JS Planet Store.


Toy guns have been a staple in children's playrooms for generations. These toys range from simple plastic models to intricate replicas of real firearms. Understanding the price range and features of toy guns available in Pakistan can help parents make informed decisions. JS Planet Store is one of the leading retailers, offering a vast selection of toy guns that cater to various preferences and budgets.

Overview of Toy Gun Market in Pakistan

The Toy gun price in Pakistan has seen substantial growth over the years. This growth is attributed to an increasing population of young children and a rising middle-class income. Toy guns are among the most popular toys, cherished for their ability to provide hours of entertainment. They come in various forms, including water guns, dart guns, and electronic guns that mimic real-life sounds and actions.

Why Choose JS Planet Store?

JS Planet Store has established itself as a trusted name in the toy industry in Pakistan. Known for its wide variety and competitive pricing, the store offers an impressive selection of toy guns that cater to different age groups and preferences. Shopping at the JS Toy Planet Store ensures quality products backed by excellent customer service.

Categories of Toy Guns Available

When it comes to toy guns, variety is key. JS Planet Store offers several categories to choose from, ensuring that every child finds something they love.

Water Guns

Water guns are a summer favorite, providing endless fun during hot days. They come in various sizes and designs, from small handheld models to larger ones with tanks. Prices at JS Planet Store for water guns range from PKR 200 to PKR 1,500, depending on the size and features.

Dart Guns

Dart guns, which shoot foam darts, are perfect for indoor and outdoor play. They encourage kids to practice their goals and engage in friendly competition. Prices for dart guns at JS Planet Store start at PKR 500 and can go up to PKR 3,000 for advanced models with additional features.

Electronic and Sound-Effect Guns

For a more immersive experience, electronic toy guns with sound effects and light features are a great choice. These guns mimic the sounds of real firearms, adding an extra layer of excitement to playtime. At JS Planet Store, these models are priced between PKR 1,000 and PKR 5,000.

Toy Gun Safety Considerations

While toy guns are fun, safety should always be a priority. JS Planet Store ensures that all its products meet safety standards. Parents should look for toy guns with rounded edges, sturdy construction, and non-toxic materials. Additionally, it's important to supervise children during play to prevent any accidental injuries.

Popular Brands Available at JS Planet Store

JS Planet Store stocks toy guns from some of the most popular brands in the market. These brands are known for their quality, durability, and innovative designs.


Nerf is a leading name in the world of dart guns. Known for their durability and wide range of models, Nerf guns are a favorite among children and adults alike. At JS Planet Store, Nerf guns are available from PKR 1,000 to PKR 5,000.

Super Soaker

When it comes to water guns, Super Soaker is a brand that stands out. Their high-capacity models and powerful streams make them perfect for epic water battles. Prices for Super Soaker guns at JS Planet Store range from PKR 500 to PKR 2,500.

Adventure Force

Adventure Force offers a range of affordable yet high-quality dart and water guns. These are perfect for parents looking for budget-friendly options without compromising on quality. Prices for Adventure Force toy guns at JS Planet Store start at PKR 300.

Price Comparison and Deals

Comparing prices and looking for deals can help you get the best value for your money. JS Planet Store often runs promotions and discounts on various toys, including toy guns. It's a good idea to keep an eye on their website or visit the store to catch the latest deals.

Online Shopping Convenience

One of the major advantages of JS Planet Store is the convenience of online shopping. Parents can browse through the extensive collection of toy guns, compare prices, and read reviews, all from the comfort of their home. The store's user-friendly website makes it easy to find what you're looking for and place an order.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into the quality and performance of toy guns. JS Planet Store features customer feedback on its website, helping parents make informed decisions based on the experiences of others.

Educational Benefits of Toy Guns

While toy guns are primarily seen as playthings, they can also have educational benefits. They help improve hand-eye coordination, promote teamwork, and encourage imaginative play. Playing with toy guns can also teach children about responsibility and the importance of following safety rules.

Cultural Perception and Acceptance

The cultural perception of toy guns varies around the world. In Pakistan, toy guns are widely accepted as part of children's play. However, it's essential for parents to ensure that playtime remains safe and that children understand the difference between real and pretend.

Choosing the Right Toy Gun for Your Child

Selecting the right toy gun involves considering several factors, including the child's age, interests, and the intended use of the toy. For younger children, simpler models without small parts are recommended. Older children might enjoy more complex and feature-rich toy guns.

Environmental Considerations

Sustainability is becoming an important factor in consumer decisions. JS Planet Store is committed to offering eco-friendly options, including toy guns made from recyclable materials. This ensures that fun doesn't come at the expense of the environment.


What is the average toy gun price in Pakistan?

The average price of toy guns in Pakistan ranges from PKR 200 to PKR 5,000, depending on the type and features of the toy gun.

Where can I find affordable toy guns in Pakistan?

JS Planet Store offers a wide range of affordable toy guns. They provide competitive prices and often have discounts and promotions.

Are toy guns safe for children?

Yes, toy guns are safe for children when used under supervision and when the toys meet safety standards. JS Planet Store ensures that all its products are safe and non-toxic.

What are the most popular toy gun brands available at the JS Planet Store?

Popular brands at the JS Planet Store include Nerf, Super Soaker, and Adventure Force, known for their quality and innovative designs.

Can I buy toy guns online in Pakistan?

Yes, JS Planet Store offers the convenience of online shopping, allowing you to browse and purchase toy guns from their website.

What are the benefits of playing with toy guns?

Playing with toy guns can improve hand-eye coordination, promote teamwork, and encourage imaginative play, among other benefits.


Toy guns offer endless fun and excitement for children, allowing them to engage in imaginative play and develop various skills. Understanding the toy gun price in Pakistan and where to find the best deals can help parents make informed choices. JS Planet Store stands out as a reliable retailer, offering a wide range of toy guns that cater to different preferences and budgets. By prioritizing safety, quality, and customer satisfaction, JS Planet Store ensures that every purchase is a delightful experience.