Launching a new mobile application and still not sure about how to monetize it? Here is a quick guide to help you build the right monetization mix for your app. This set of questions comes from expert mobile app development companies in UAE and follow examples from successful applications like Careem Now and Noon. Let’s start!

  1. What is the primary goal of your app?

The scope of your app, let’s say its major goals, objectives and functionalities are the most important factors that help in choosing a monetization model that aligns with the interests if your users. Whether it's generating revenue directly, increasing user engagement, or building brand loyalty, your monetization strategy should support this primary goal.

If your goal is to:

  • Generate Direct Revenue

Consider models like paid apps, in-app purchases, or subscription services.

  • Increase User Engagement 

Models such as freemium or ad-supported apps can help attract a larger user base.

  • Build Brand Loyalty 

Offering high-quality, free content with optional paid features might be the best approach.

  1. Who is your target audience?

Different demographics have different preferences and willingness to pay. Knowing your target audience helps tailor the monetization strategy to their expectations and behavior.

If you have built an app for: 

  • Young Adults

Often responsive to freemium models with in-app purchases or ad-supported content.

  • Professionals 

More likely to pay for subscription services or premium features that save time or enhance productivity.

  • General Consumers 

Ad-supported or freemium models can attract a broad audience.

  1. What problem does your app solve?

 The value your app provides can determine how users perceive its worth and so, you can decide how much they are willing to pay.

If your app offers:

  • Convenience and Time-saving 

Subscription or paid app models work well if your app significantly improves productivity.

  • Entertainment

Freemium models with in-app purchases for additional content or features are effective.

  • Educational or Learning Tools 

Subscription models for access to premium content or ad-supported free versions for wide accessibility.

  1. How often will users interact with your app?

Frequent interaction can support models like subscriptions or ads, while less frequent use might be better suited to a one-time purchase or freemium model.

If your users engage with your app:

  • Daily

Subscriptions or ad-supported models can capitalize on regular user engagement.

  • Weekly or Monthly

 In-app purchases or one-time purchases might be more suitable.

  • Occasionally

 A pay-per-use model or freemium with paid features can attract users without committing to regular payments.

  1. What is your competition doing?

Analyzing competitors can provide insights into what works and what doesn’t in your specific market. It also helps you identify gaps or opportunities for differentiation.

Your competitors must be leveraging:

  • Ads

 Indicates ad-supported models might be effective, but also consider how to offer a better user experience.

  • Freemium with In-App Purchases 

This model might be popular if competitors are seeing success, but think about what unique value you can offer.

  • Subscription-Based Methods

Consider offering competitive pricing or additional value to attract users.

  1. What are the key features of your app?

 Identifying key features helps determine what users might be willing to pay for and how you can structure your monetization model around these features.

If your app features offer:

  • Exclusive Content 

Subscriptions or in-app purchases for premium content.

  • Enhanced Functionality 

Freemium models where advanced features are unlocked through payment.

  • Basic Utility 

Ad-supported models for wide access, with optional paid features for additional benefits.

  1. How scalable is your app?

Scalability impacts how sustainable different monetization models will be as your user base grows. I’ll tell you that some models, like ads or subscriptions, scale more easily than others. To ensure your app can handle increased demand and maintain performance, it’s crucial to work with experienced app developers in UAE who can design and implement scalable solutions.

If your app’s functionality and architecture is:

  • Highly Scalable 

Ad-supported or subscription models can generate consistent revenue as user numbers increase.

  • Moderately Scalable 

Freemium with in-app purchases allows for gradual scaling.

  • Limited Scalability 

Consider one-time purchases if scaling opportunities are limited due to niche market.

  1. What is your marketing budget?

 Your budget for user acquisition can influence the choice of monetization model. Some models require more upfront investment to attract users.

If you have allocated a:

  • Large Budget 

It can support a freemium model with significant marketing to drive large user acquisition.

  • Moderate Budget 

Subscription models might be sustainable with targeted marketing efforts.

  • Small Budget 

Ad-supported or one-time purchase models might be more feasible with limited marketing spend.

  1. What platforms will your app be available on?

 Different platforms have different user behaviors and monetization potentials. Understanding these can help tailor your strategy.

If you’re launching and app for: 

  • iOS

Users are generally more willing to pay for apps and subscriptions.

  • Android 

Larger user base but more receptive to ad-supported or freemium models.

  • Cross-Platform 

Ensure the monetization model is adaptable and effective across both iOS and Android.

  1. How will you measure success?

Defining success metrics helps in choosing a monetization model that aligns with your business objectives and allows for effective performance tracking.

If your success criteria include: 

  • Revenue Generation 

Focus on models that directly generate income, like paid apps, subscriptions, or in-app purchases.

  • User Growth 

Freemium or ad-supported models that attract a large user base.

  • User Engagement 

Subscription models or in-app purchases that encourage frequent interaction and usage.

Quick Tips

You need to have a thorough understanding of your app’s scope and goals to land on a specific monetization model. Here are tried-and-tested tips:

Remember, do not stick to one model or method – but try going hybrid. If you are monetizing with ads and have made a near-strong user base, then give them the option to go premium with a quick upgrade of specific AEDs. A hybrid monetization strategy helps you A/B test and monetize simultaneously so you’ll know what is working best for your app without losing a substantial chunk. For optimal results, consider leveraging website development services in Dubai to enhance your app's performance and user experience.

Make sure to provide strong user experience and build habit loops in your app. 

Take consent for using ad and data monetization for affiliate and cross-selling models.


So this comprehensive list of monetization questions ends here. By analyzing the answers to these questions, you, as an app founder can make informed decisions to support monetization, growth and user engagement. Whether you opt for subscriptions, freemium, in-app purchases, ads, or a combination of these models, the key is to provide value to users while achieving your business objectives.