The bank holiday and half term are coming up very soon! You know what that means… Holiday time! Everyone will be jetting off into sunny skies and dreamy blue seas. If you’ve booked your tickets to your favourite sunny destination away from gloomy England (Our one week of sunshine has sadly come to an abrupt end) then keep reading to hear how you can make the4 most of your packing space. Yes, we know its a struggle that happens to the best of us, but Tik Tok has the solution with some game changing summer hacks.

The team at WhatsonUK might not be going off on a getaway (We’re totally not jealous… ok maybe we are a tiny bit!) We have still got your back with some game changing holiday hacks for packing and for when you get there. 

  1. Toiletries 

To save space in your suitcase click and collect your toiletries to the airport pharmacy (Boots/ Superdrug) that are over 100ml so that you have more room in your suitcase as you will have already passed through security. More space for some dazzling outfits and any tech bits you may have.

  1. Adaptors 

Head to your nearest electrical store (or Amazon if you’re too busy getting ready for the sun to go out) and find yourself an extension lead with multiple plug spots because this way you will only need to buy one adaptor. Hopefully this help you save some pennies, but still be careful to not overload the plug socket as you don’t want it to blow

  1. Vacuum packing 

These bad boys are available on Amazon and on Tik Tok shop. They are easy to use and can save you an awful lot of space. Plus they don’t affect your clothing.

  1. Food bags 

Now we have all been in a situation on the plane when we want to watch our favourite TV show we downloaded especially for the journey, but then your phone won’t stay still when you lean it against your bottle. The liquids bags available at security at the airport should also do the trick for this amazing hack! Give it a go and let us know how you got on.

  1. Towel bags and dresses 

These are a game changer for your sunny days on the sun loungers by the pool. They dry super quickly and are multi purpose. Some even have pockets for storage! 

Check back with Whatson UK for more updates and life hacks.