The 51st Congress of the Young Communist League (YCL) took place in London from August 26-28, 2023. The congress was attended by over 100 delegates from across the UK, representing a wide range of trades unions, student unions, and other organizations.

The congress was an opportunity for the YCL to discuss the challenges facing young people today and to develop strategies for addressing these challenges. The delegates also elected a new National Committee and discussed the future of the YCL.

Outgoing general secretary Johnnie Hunter is presented with a gift and thanked by the league for his service

The challenges facing young people today

The delegates to the congress identified a number of challenges facing young people today, including:

  • The rising cost of living
  • The lack of affordable housing
  • The climate crisis
  • The growing threat of war
  • The rise of populism and nationalism

The delegates argued that these challenges are the result of the capitalist system, which they said is inherently exploitative and unsustainable. They called for a socialist alternative, which they said would put the needs of people before the profits of corporations.

The YCL’s response to these challenges

The YCL outlined a number of ways in which it is responding to the challenges facing young people today. These include:

  • Organizing campaigns on issues such as the cost of living, housing, and the climate crisis
  • Providing educational resources on socialism and Marxism
  • Building solidarity with young people around the world who are fighting for social justice

The YCL also called for the creation of a new youth movement that would fight for a socialist future.

Robert Griffiths, general secretary of the CPB, told YCL delegates: “The Communist Party will be yours in the near future!”

The future of the YCL

The delegates to the congress were optimistic about the future of the YCL. They argued that the YCL is playing an increasingly important role in the fight for social justice. They also said that the YCL is growing in size and influence.

The congress concluded with a call to action for young people to join the YCL and to fight for a better future.


The 51st Congress of the Young Communist League was a significant event in the history of the YCL. The congress helped to reaffirm the YCL’s commitment to fighting for the rights of young people and to building a socialist future. The congress also helped to mobilize young people around the fight for social justice. The future of the YCL looks bright, and the YCL is poised to play an increasingly important role in the fight for a better world.