WhatsOn is a progressive global media network. It is based in the hub of Birmingham City Center for over 30 years. Our values are diversity, equality, involvement, and unity. WhatsOn supports a balanced lifestyle and real democracy. We speak out against the exploitation of people, animals, and the earth. Every month we publish an advanced printed publication. We are covering regional, national, and global. What’s going on, where to go, what to do, and key topics of discussion selected by our Editor and our R&D department. There is also a digital version for each month. Along with specific guides scheduled throughout the year. To form a multi-media network, we have merged print, social media, and digital marketing. Following this WhatsOn Guide features Elton John on the WhatsOn Cover in this year’s Festival Guide edition. Join Whatson.plus

WhatsOn Covers: Festival Guide 2023 | Elton John

Sir Elton John is a prominent British singer, songwriter, composer, and pianist. He was born on March 25, 1947, in Pinner, Middlesex, England. Elton John is known for his incredible contributions to the music industry, particularly in the genres of rock, pop, and glam rock. He gained fame in the early 1970s and became a global superstar with his unique blend of catchy melodies, elaborate stage performances, and flamboyant costumes. Some of his most famous songs include “Your Song,” “Rocket Man,” “Candle in the Wind,” “Crocodile Rock,” and “Tiny Dancer,” among many others. Throughout his career, Elton John has released numerous hit albums and singles, selling millions of records worldwide. He is considered one of the best-selling music artists of all time, with over 300 million records sold. In addition to his musical achievements, Elton John is also known for his philanthropy and activism. He has been a passionate advocate for various charitable causes, particularly those related to HIV/AIDS research and LGBTQ+ rights. To show our respect and love towards Sir Elton John, WhatsOn has chosen to put him on our WhatsOn Cover this year.

On What’sOn Magazine, we create and disperse a free, 68-page magazine each month throughout the UK. In all large cities, it is available from a broad range of art exhibitions, bars, libraries, universities, subways, and other cultural places. For students and young adults, the magazine is an essential resource for the latest in culture, music, fashion, and media. It includes reviews of movies, books, music, and video games as well as the hottest popular and underground artists, a fashion section, news, and listings for events, performances, TV shows, sports, and clubs. Check out the online archives of WhatsOn Covers, Posters, and T-shirts in www.whatson.guide